الاثنين، 12 يوليو 2010

[caption id="attachment_4449" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="ConsumerReports.org Can't Recommend iPhone 4"]ConsumerReports.org Doe Not Recommend iPhone 4[/caption]

It is difficult to find any objective criticism on Apple or its products, but today, the objective Consumer Reports folks did just that by criticizing Apple on its iPhone 4 supposedly faulty antenna. Consumer Reports determined that Apple’s iPhone 4 antenna is not fit for the public.

Consumer Reports isn’t some rival tech company, that is in the business of trying to thwart Apple’s momentum; they are an equal opportunity offender to any manufacturer who put in the market place a product not worthy of usage.

Apparently,  Apple is no exception.

Imagine, if there is a recall of millions of the iPhones, it would be devastating to Apple’s bottom line, and moreover, its' rep for making quality products might take a hit. Some believe this is already the case.

Of course, the fix for the iPhone antenna may be simple, and Apple can avoid a hit to its brand, but the antenna problem seems to be lingering.

Apple may decide to do an upgrade and from a PR point of view give all the owners of an iPhone 4 said upgrade. This Apple iPhone 4 upgrade would shorten the life cycle for a new product in this genre, but it would kill many birds with one stone: solving the antenna problem; nipping the criticism in the bud; and re-building its rapport with its cult-like customer base.

As I have said, these are uncharted waters for Apple, taking flak over the performance of one its products. This may strengthen Apple’s resolve, not that any was lost, but the iPhone 4 antenna problem might remind Apple’s engineers never to become complacent in a world operating on the premise, “what have you done for me lately".

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