Michael Dell has been back for quite a while at the helm of Dell, the personal computer company (PC) he founded - he must be doing something good, because even in this lingering, economic down turn, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that the PC maker managed to regain its number two spot from Acer.
Businesses here and abroad bought computers replacing their old ones – this amounted to the stellar sales for Dell. Worldwide PC sales jumped almost 23% in the second quarter and much of that increase made Dell the beneficiary, according to the research firm, IDC. The same findings showed that laptops and net books sales slumped because of the bad economies here and abroad.
The good PC sales number for Dell made sense, since a day before, Intel, the chip maker, attributed its stellar sales to companies replacing its older computers - those same computers need the Intel chips to power them. IDC says that some 81.5 computers were shipped in the second quarter. Dell’s 19% growth is responsible for its recapturing of the number two spot from Acer – most of Dell’s sales were done by consumers in the Asia/Pacific rim and Latin America.
If you are wondering which company is the number one PC maker, it is Hewlett-Packard, who had a 12% growth from a year ago. IDC concludes that it expects that commercial PC growth to continue, especially among the countries in the emerging markets. No doubt that Dell stock will reflect the increased sales, when the markets open, if the increase isn’t already priced in.
Why is it that if you add a warranty upon ordering it will cost $119 for a $500 computer. But if you try to add the same warranty after ordering but before shipping it will cost approx $400 on first quote from ezcelation team and $250.00 on second quote. That’s a $300 increase in one day and you haven’t yet received the computer yet!!! Why does Dell knowing about a warranty ahead of time change anything they produce for you? Why wont they let you cancel an order to add it then? Do they do something different? with a warranty vs without
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