الأربعاء، 14 يوليو 2010

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="336" caption="Let’s Golf HD for iPad, Photo Courtesy of Apple, Inc."]LetsGolf[/caption]

Let’s Golf HD for iPad is one of the over 20 titles available from Gameloft – a leading name in the iPad gaming industry. The game just didn’t appear from nowhere but comes with a very solid history as it is available on the iPhone from last many years. Not much is changed in the iPad version except Let's Golf HD comes with better visuals and smooth controls. This critically acclaimed game is one of the best golf games available for the iPad.


Your initial response after going through the screen shots may be of a bit disappointment – considering the cartoonish visuals of the game. Let’s Golf HD may be modest in its appearance but comes with all the tiny little details that professional golfers take proud in. Not only there are groups of clubs but detailed courses are designed all based on the actual ground factors to provide a premium quality golf experience.

Let’s Golf HD comes with 4 courses in total; 2 unlocked and 2 of them locked. The locked ones act as reward so that you can open them after winning major tournaments. Some interesting characters appear in the sky from time to time including birds and airplanes. Visuals are improved in the iPad version and so far Let’s Golf HD is the best iPad golf game available on the iTunes.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="384" caption="Detailed options, Photo Courtesy of Apple, Inc."]Options[/caption]

You can choose your avatar, currently 4 of them are available – a department GameLoft should defiantly work on. You can customize the skills but to attain a better level you must have to score well in your games. One of the easiest things that GameLoft can improve is to get rid of the needless half-minute video that hits your senses every time you launch the app on iPad. This video can be skipped with a single tap but always frustrates the users and should be replaced with something interesting.

The background music needs some real artistic touches and for the most time turning off the music is a good way to avoid it – but don’t forget to keep the effects on.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="336" caption="Smooth gameplay, Photo Courtesy of Apple, Inc."]Gameplay[/caption]


Numerous gameplay options are available for the gamers to choose from. They can choose 3 random holes, or can try your luck on a particular hole or can even indulge in tournaments against computer.

If you have not played the game on the iPhone then you should choose “casual play” as your difficulty level. After mastering in this mode, Expert mode awaits you with all the possibilities.

The real fun lies in playing the game in multiplayer mode. You can enjoy the multiplayer option via Pass’n Play where you pass the iPad to your friend for his/her turn. Local network multi-playing works fine via WiFi. GameLoft Live is an option that you will love the most – it allows you to play the game online with hundreds of strangers who are as much eager golfers as you are.

The development team has really done well to introduce a wind meter which takes the Let’s Golf HD to a new authentic level and brings it closer to the reality. The meter shows the direction and intensity of the wind and you must have to consider the wind factor before hitting the ball.


The game controls offer the same level of tranquility for which golf is famous for. You can take as much time as you like before hitting the ball. No major changes are made to the controls and iPhone version’s best bits are incorporated in the iPad edition. If you are not holding the iPad in your hand then it is possible to play the game with one hand.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="384" caption="Nice visuals, Photo Courtesy of Apple, Inc."]Visuals[/caption]

A map always stays on the screen where you can tap to have the aerial view of the course. Once you have got yourself familiar with the target you can tap on an adjacent button to bring up a swing meter. You can choose the level of strength that you want to put in. Afterwards you need to select an accuracy level. If you have played a golf game on any platform then this scheme of arrangement is not at all stranger for you. An additional and optional spin factor can be included before hitting the ball – but requires lots of practice.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="336" caption="Innovative controls, Photo Courtesy of Apple, Inc."]controls[/caption]


It is been a hallmark of Gameloft that it kept the prices in a reasonable range and you can buy Let’s Golf HD for a mere sum of $4.99 – not at all expensive considering the variety of options it comes with.


If you set aside the cartoonish avatars then we are left with a highly detailed golf game that can be considered as one of the most decent games available on the iPad. Those who have not tried it on iPhone must buy this game if they have any inkling towards golf. You can get Let’s Golf HD from here.

[rating: 4.5/5]

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