Module 1 of CB Wealth Formula
Getting Started the “3 Day Way”
This is an introductory Module to make sure
everyone starts at the same place and we
don’t leave anyone behind!
Most “tenured” affiliates will be able to skip
this – but this is probably the BEST way
we’ve ever explained affiliate marketing.
We bet you could take someone right off the street and show them
these videos and they’d know EXACTLY how affiliate marketing
• Video 1: Story: How to start the easiest online and why to
start with affiliate marketing.
• Video 2: What is Affiliate Marketing?
• Video 3: The different models in affiliate marketing and
why to start with List Building.
• Video 4: The different places you can promote and why to
start with Clickbank.
Module 2 of CB Wealth Formula
Getting The Mechanics Set
Listen, let’s face it – most students FAIL at
the part where they have to get their website
up. So, rather than try to TEACH them and give
them that headache – we’ve decided to teach
them how they can get their own site for $100
or less…
This is the EXACT system I’ve used for years
now (and still do) to get my affiliate sites up in less than 3 days for
less than $100!
My #1 favorite site to use is
• Video 1: Items needed and where to find:
o Auto-Responder
o Hosting
o Website
• Video 2: A complete walk-through of,
where I reveal all my BIGGEST secrets of Scriptlance (I’ve
spent over $50,000 on projects here!)
We also found our LEAD technology company here, that
we’ve now acquired and made a part of our company.
Scriptlance has been a BIG part of my business!
Module 3 of CB Wealth Formula
Picking the Most Powerful Niche
The #1 place an affiliate will fail BEFORE
they even start! There is so much BAD
advice out there about picking a niche.
Well, we’ve decided to simplify the process
by ONLY focusing on Clickbank. It’s so easy
to find great niches inside Clickbank
because of all the DATA they provide.
Our students will be EXPERTS at picking out the gold from
• Video 1: Rule 1: Evergreen Niche
• Video 2: Rule 2: Evergreen Audience
• Video 3: Rule 3: People must spend $$$ on information
• Video 4: Rule 4: Enough products to Promote
• Video 5: Products must have good stats
• Video 6: Content must not be a Problem
These SIX videos can literally change the life of ANY affiliate who watches
them. What makes them even better is that they’re LASER focused on
JUST Clickbank!
Module 4 of CB Wealth Formula
The Fastest & Most Shocking
Website Process
Simple. How to start online with just a
ONE page website – an OPT IN page.
Yes, the list is STILL king. Too many
people confuse themselves with blogs and
complicated site builders when it’s 100%
We’re going to explain EXACTLY what kind
of opt-in page works, show them examples and give them our BEST
• Video 1: Opt-In Pages: What and Why
• Video 2: Opt- In Pages: Examples
• Video 3: Dissect the Mechanics of an Opt-in Page
• Video 4: Video on an Opt-in Page?
• Video 5: Words to SPRINKLE & use on your Page…
• Video 6: Offering a FREE report or something in exchange
for the email.
Module 5 of CB Wealth Formula
Creating Your AUTOMATED
Sales Machine
The best part about an online business is
FREEDOM. Sometimes we FORGET that.
Now, I know “autoresponders” are old news
and we’ve seen SO much information on
them. But 90% of affiliates have NO idea
how to properly use an Autoresponder.
We’re going to give them EXACT systems to
use and show them our absolute best systems we use…
• Video 1: Setting Up Your Auto-responder
• Video 2: Your First 10 Day Series: Blueprint
• Video 3: Track your best sellers and keep adding them into
your auto responder – the more you add, the more
automated your income is for life.
• Video 4: Importance of tying in content between
• Video 5: Use video to build relationships
Module 6 of CB Wealth Formula
Lock and Load - Make Money!
Time to start promoting to your NEW list!
This is exactly where we show affiliates how
to find offer after offer to keep the money
coming in (and starting right away)!
Not only that, we also step away from
Clickbank for a few minutes. They’re going
to learn how to DOMINATE with CPA offers!
• Video 1: Should you promote this product? How to
evaluate merchants/products.
• Video 2: Top Places to Get an “Information Product” to
• Video 3: CPA offers – where to find them
• Video 4: What’s EPC
Yes, we do go away from Clickbank a BIT here – let’s face it.
Clickbank is a GREAT way to start, but if you want to build a
BUSINESS, you’ll need to diversify…
Module 7 of CB Wealth Formula
Using Words to Sell (A LOT!)
affiliates are prone to say when they
hear they need to write emails…
Both Saj and I were scared of writing, so
we had to come up with a system that
would allow us to write easily…
We even have templates we use!
We’ll spill all our TOP email secrets that will make any affiliate into an
instant power-house!
• Video 1: The Most Important Element: Subject Lines
• Video 2: Examples of Subject Lines
• Video 3: How To Write POWERFUL Email Promotions
We’ve purposely made this module VERY simple – we don’t want
anyone to innovate or think too hard. We just want them to copy our
Module 8 of CB Wealth Formula
Making $15,000+ in 24 Hours
This is where we REALLY show affiliates
the POWER of the system. Not only can
they start making $10,000+ a month using
the system, but we’ll show them how to
easily have days of over $15,000!
In honesty, Saj and I have both had days
where we made over $100,000! But initially
when we started, $15,000+ days were far
more common – so we don’t want to over-hype it!
• Video 1: Provide blueprint to use to promote launches –
Exactly what to send and when to send it during prelaunches…
• Video 2: How to set-up killer bonuses.
• Video 3: Our “Day Strategy” – How we map out and
spread out our promotions…
• Video 4: How to effectively participate in a “Pre-Launch.”
steal the sales from all other affiliates the HOUR before
• Video 6: Where to keep ahead of the curve on launches
Module 9 of CB Wealth Formula
Starting Massive Traffic in Just Days!
This our NINJA Module – the
LONGEST by far where we go over
THE most advanced traffic strategies.
We focus mostly on FREE traffic but we
also get into some SERIOUS traffic
strategies that work VERY well with Optin
Pages (PPV, Solo Ads and some
• Video 1: Email marketing
• Video 2: Blog commenting
• Video 3: Forum marketing
• Video 4: Solo ads
• Video 5: PPV
• Video 6: JV Traffic and Ad Swaps
• Video 7: Social Media – Twitter/Facebook
• Video 8: Build a community using Ning
• Video 9: Content network Image ads
Thanks for offering out the outline of what you get inside in all the module's - but the traffic generation does pull up a red flag... This has been my largest if not my biggest challenge, do you know anything on how affective their ploy is at achieving this traffic - I know that you laid it all out above, is there an added cost in this to earn that traffic?
ردحذفSecondary to implement all what they offer if one is to invest and pursue if it takes days or weeks to see an return on investment ROI?
In other words have you started this course & are you making any money at their methods?
Finally, what bonus are you offering if I buy from you?
Hi David,
ردحذفI have not done the course, but I had the chance to take an inside look and get a little more information then what is found in the sales letter. As far as I understand, there is no added cost to get traffic, but there is more information regarding getting traffic: CB Wealth Formula Additional Options
The course seems to be good. If you want to buy through my link (CB Wealth Formula), I'll get a small compensation for my research, but I can not and will not bribe you with any kind of bonus offer.
If you are only interested in generating "free" traffic, I can possibly help you. While the traffic itself would be free, it would cost a lot to build that traffic machine.
I could build you something similar to
Thanks HP - there are so many bonus offers it gets overwhelming as to take advantage of, as I too am an I'M affiliate and could use my own Identity to purchase the course - thanks for the research!