It is the Neville Chamberlain syndrome – the tendency to be fooled by evil and giving it the benefit of the doubt, only for said evil to come back and bite you. It is true that the dire consequences suffered because of Prime Minister Chamberlain’s being fooled by Hitler cannot compare to the Brits and the Scots being fooled by the Lockerbie killer, but the results were still devastating.
In 1988, 259 American students boarded a Pan-Am flight, and it was blown out of the skies over Lockerbie, Scotland by a Libyan terrorist who had planted explosives on the doomed plane.
The authorities in England and Scotland brought the murderer, Abdul Basset Ali al-Megrahi, to justice, and he was subsequently jailed for life…until he was stricken with cancer.
Al-Megrahi, with the help of his doctor, convinced the Brits that he was on death’s door, persuading them to let him go back to Libya and die, surrounded by filial ambience.
The families of the surviving students pleaded with the British to not let murderer go, notwithstanding his supposed terminal cancer; even the United States parroted the same the sentiments, but to no avail.
Last year, we were witnesses, seeing the frail al-Megrahi boarding a Libyan plane, body full of tubes, a walking cane, and most of the world suffering from a chronic case of the Neville Chamberlain syndrome.
Before boarding the plane, al-Megrahi's doctor reiterated that his patient only had a few months to live. Yesterday, we were told that al-Megrahi might be alive for another ten years.
Incidentally, al-Megrahi has been living quite the life in Libya...he resides in an expensive villa, and he is treated as a hero.
The parents of all those students who died are now protesting again, saying that they knew that the murderer was feigning the extent of his illness. There are also allegations that the Brits were in essence bribed by the Libyan government with oil endeavors for their so-called "compassion" of letting al-Megrahi go.
There are times when I wish that we had the same posture as the Israelis when dealing with terrorists, because no way would al-Megrahi be breathing for another decade.
The only problem with this sort of article is that Me Megrahi didn't carry out Lockerbie and he was fitted up by the CIA.
ردحذفThe real criminals are the US and Iran, working together to give the latter its long desired and publicly stated demands for revenge for IR-655 shot down by the Vincennes. The US agreed and co-operated and organised the complete destruction of 103 so that HW Bush's presidential ambitions would not be destroyed. That's why 103 was blown up after the US General Election of 1988.