CNET News is reporting that Democrat Bill Delahunt has introduced legislation to tax sales done via the internet.
Most of us have made purchases over the internet through sites like Amazon and eBay, and besides the convenience these purchases provided, we also enjoyed the freedom of not rendering unto Caesar by not paying the taxes had we purchased the same items at our local outlets.
But with the dearth of revenues due to the sickness of the economy, the states and their representatives are looking for ways to replenish their respective treasury coffers.
The debate has brought out the usual advocates: those who want to raise revenues are extolling Delahunt’s legislation, and those against taxes are disparaging Delahunt with the “tax and spend” mantra.
This idea of taxing sales done through the internet has also become a fairness issue.
The bricks and mortar establishments like Walmart, Home Depot, and others think that it is only fair for eBay and Amazon to be subjected to the same sales taxes that they have been subjected to.
Amazon and eBay, of course, do not want this tax to see the light of day, because they think that it will curtail their sales.
If I had to handicap Delahunt’s legislation, I would say that it has a good chance of passing with an assist from the angel of compromise.
The fairness issue might hold sway, and the fact that the states are lacking revenues and nothing is forthcoming from Washington gives the legislation a chance to pass. Did I mention that the projected revenues to be had from taxing sales over the internet could be as much as $23 billion?
Now, with all that revenue that could be generated, we can understand the incentives to tax these sales done via the internet. No doubt, the advocates for this tax will be invoking the images of the teachers, policemen, firemen and other essential state services, which can be saved if the new legislation were to pass.
The fly in the ointment is the fact that the Democrats might not have the votes due to their projected loses in the coming mid-term elections in November. This is where we will need the angel of compromise, with both Democrats and Republicans for once working together.
only democrats believe they can raise more money based on the sales generated over the internet. they don't consider that if you tax a activity that activity will be curtailed dramatically. fact is they likely want to curtail all capitalism. the communist bastards!
ردحذفChuck - It is the idea that industry shouldn't be adapted to major changes in commerce that keep an economy in a slump, and markets stagnant. Taxing Internet purchases is as necessary as taxing physical stores. These are now major areas, just on a different platform. PayPal already uses a taxing system, taking money for funds. Several states (namely red states, such as California) already put some taxes on purchases.
ردحذفIt is this rambling about Communism and unfair taxing without understanding of the market that they are placed on that ruin this country. You should do some research, and think of it from the idea of ecommerce being the new form of sales, before you make such ridiculous statements.
i have done my research and it concludes with out much difficulty that obama is a communist/ socialist and everyone around him is and anything they do is to change America to a socialist country. to redistribute all wealth. to end capitalism by putting every thing under government control. i believe that this administration is crime inc. the unions are socialist inc. the media has stop reporting what is going on and are just socialist themselves. i don't support anything this administration does because nothing it does it as it appears. mean while all they can say is it's all about his race. i say do a way with all sales tax. all payroll tax. all SS tax. death tax. marriage tax and a whole slue of taxes. irs should be abolished. dept. of education. dept of energy. dept of agriculture and many more government agencies.
ردحذفChuck - It must be very difficult living a life filled with so much paranoia.