Perhaps celebrity “junk justice” is on the decline, because - believe or not - a judge has sentenced Lindsay Lohan to 90 days in jail.
Lindsay’s sentence was due to her breaching the terms of her probation, mainly for not attending her mandated sobriety classes, of which she missed seven.
This incarceration might be the wake up call Lindsay needs to jolt her into a life of sobriety and responsibility. It is rather sad to hear Miss Lohan denies that she has a problem, with all the attendant clues that conspicuously which say otherwise.
I know that every vice that is available outside can be had in jail, but I am hoping that the incarceration will force Lindsay to quit cold turkey, and give us back the healthy, bright eyed, talented singer/actress.
I mentioned 'junk justice' above, which is the special treatment celebrities received under our laws. But I am hoping that justice again will live up to its reputation of being blind, and that the jailing of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan is evidence that the laws will be applied equally.
Those in the know say that an addict must want to change, but I am hoping that Lindsay's incarcersation will give Hollywood a jolt, and prevent them from going down the road of addiction.
The perp walk alone is incentive enough for some celebrities to stay on the straight and narrow; and for celebrities who like, and are accustomed, to their luxuries and convenience, an extended period in jail will be a life changer.
Miss Lohan's father preferred that she had been sentenced to rehab, but this incarceration can be a twofer: preventing her from getting her hands on illegal prescriptions, and providing a life lesson that there are consequences for breaking the rules.
We will all wait to see what affect this incarceration will have on Miss Lohan and young, troubled, addicted Hollywood.
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