In Missouri Alisa Maier was abducted from her front yard on Monday. Evidently, the 4-year-old girl was playing with her brother when a strange man grabbed Alisa and drove away with her in his car.
The local police immediately followed protocol and issued an Amber Alert for Missouri and the closest state of Illinois.
Against all odds - and to the relief of her family and anyone else following the story - Alisa Maier was found at a gas station a little before 10 am this morning.
The suspect who abducted her evidently cut off her hair in hopes that she would not be recognized. There was one eyewitness who is working with police to provide an accurate description of the man who was holding Alisa against her will.
The police have put out a description of both the suspect and his vehicle in hopes that someone will be able to deliver more information on the man. The car reportedly has a very loud muffler, and is possibly a Ford Escort; it was described as dark brown, medium sized, and has four doors.
The suspect is reportedly in his late teens to early twenties, with dark hair. The witness that provided this description did not get a great look at the individual, so anyone that has any information regarding this man should definitely come forward, even if the information they have does not exactly match the description.
Please call the Louisiana Police Department with any information at 573-754-4021.
Thank god. I saw her picture and I felt so sad. I expected to hear the worst news possible in a few days as is invariably the case in 99% of these kidnappings.
ردحذفI am sure that Missouri is a LOT more safe than California; but, in the future please make sure she plays in the backyard. I hope that the next time I hear about Alisa is because she is graduating from College with honors and is about to be married :)
May she have a long, happy, successful, and prosperous life.