الأربعاء، 1 سبتمبر 2010

Baltimore County Public Schools are closing two hours early today due to a high heat index, according to spokesman Charles Herndon. Temperatures are expected to reach what feels like 93 degrees fahrenheit today. Afternoon pre-K is closed for the day. Also, Afternoon activities will be closed on a case-by-case basis.

"We have a number of our schools that are not air conditioned; in the classroom particularly. The combination of both heat and the humidity made for a rather distractingly uncomfortable conditions in some of our classrooms," said Herndon.

There are 173 schools in Baltimore County. Herndon estimates that 50-60 of these schools are not fully air conditioned. They will have to shuttle 70,000 students by way of 800 busses. Also, they will have to alert parents of the early dismissal. This all culminates into a "logistical undertaking."

"It all hinges on transportation more than anything else. Because of our location in the mid-Atlantic we occasionally have to close early due to snow, due to in inclement weather, due to whatever it may be. It's a routine that the school system has pretty well down," Herndon said.

So, that means if they can get all the students on the busses and on their way home, it's not going to be a problem.

To aid the school in situations like these, the school system is partnered with several weather services who monitor conditions countywide. This helps the school get a bit of a head start in events like these.

"With a county as large as Baltimore County you can have different conditions in different areas," Herndon said. "For the most part, anybody who sticks their head out the window is going to know how hot it's been today."

Parents were alerted of the early dismissal earlier this morning. They were alerted by means of an automated call from the schools' principals. An automated call from one school's principal, Christine Warner, end with the sentence, "Think cool thoughts."

I find is slightly humorous that they are ending school early because it feels like 93 degrees as in Florida, that's a normal temperature. Although, in Florida the people are used to it, and we have air conditioning.

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