[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="277" caption="A portrait of Arlen Specter"]
This was tragically played out recently in Afghanistan when a Jordanian Double Agent, working for both al qaeda and the CIA, blew himself up, while meeting his CIA handlers. Senator Arlen is like a Double Agent, who was once a Republican and is now a Democrat, and was welcomed to the Democratic Party by President Obama. Senator Specter paid dividend to the Democrats when he delivered a crucial vote… passing health-care reform… the only significant legislation submitted by the president so far in his tenure.
Apparently the rank and file of the Democratic Party did not buy into Senator Arlen Specter’s conversion; it was made more conspicuous of this lack of Democratic support when President Obama refused to campaign or get out the Democratic base. As a result, Specter lost the Pennsylvania Primary to another seasoned Democrat, Joe Sestak.
Senator Spector’s lost is not akin to the dire consequences that can happen to real life Double Agents - but the analogy is still aptly fitting. Political pundits from both sides of the aisles understood President Obama’s betrayal to Senator Arlen Specter; the former had to look out for his own dwindling, political fortunes and the latter’s switched to the Democratic Party seemed callously calculated to save his job.
It did not help matters for Senator Specter that he is eighty-years-old and that President Obama’s base remembered the once proud Republican Senator shepherding through the controversial nominee, Clarence Thomas, to the Supreme Court.
Senator Specter’s political Double Agent’s status is also akin to the friend, God forbid, who was accused and found not guilty of Pedophilia – no matter what good friends that you were before the charges… and even after the not-guilty-verdict, you would hence force look at that friend with jaundiced eyes, especially around your young children.
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