The newest craze in Internet? Google Chrome! Google Chrome is the top internet browser currently. Many people may object to this and say no, Safari is better or Firefox is better or even Opera is better. This is fine, however, I happen to have thoroughly tested all the above named Internet browsers. I work with a Macintosh computer with very fast Internet. This means that I have a reliable source to prove my point.
Why do I say that Google Chrome is the best, most advanced browser of today? For one simple reason: the Google Chrome team started from scratch. They took all the old stuff and threw it away and started with a blank sheet. This means that they don't have any clunky functions that the older browsers might have.
Their framework is fresh and is built with the modern day web in mind. Safari is fast, but not quite as fast as Google Chrome. Firefox is an excellent browser but there are so many add-ons that make it kind of clunky. Opera is relatively fast but also pretty confusing. Don't get me wrong, they are all excellent browsers, just Google Chrome is new and fresh and their framework is not based on anything old.
There are some excellent extensions for Google Chrome. These do many things from making blogging easier to quickly snagging a full webpage screenshot.
1. Dictionary Lookup. This extension is very useful. Have you ever been reading a webpage and suddenly you didn't know what a word meant but you didn't want to close the window. Well, with this extension you can just use your pre-defined keyboard shortcut and define the word. It's simple and easy. Here is the extension page.
2. MeasureIt!. This extension allows you to draw out a ruler that tells you the pixel length and width of any area in your browser. This is extremely useful to web developers or webmaster looking to modify their websites. Here is the extension page.
3. Blog This!. This extension allows you to post something on the web to your blogger blog with one click. If you love collection things for your blog through browsing the Internet, this extension is for you. It is very easy to use as it is made by Google. Here is the extension page.
4. Chrome Access. Have you ever forgotten where your history is, or where the extensions page is or where the downloads pane is? If you have, this extension is for you. It provides easy access to all of the chrome:// and about pages with a single click. Here is the extension page.
5. Lorem Ipsum Generator. This extension give you easily generated dummy text at the click of a button. It is simple to use and is a must have for website builders. If you are looking for an easy way to fill empty space on a template or something like this, this extension is right for you. Here is the extension page.
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