British Petroleum will soon appoint an Independant Mediator that should help to sort out the claims resulting from BP's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
BP has consistently announced that it will pay legitimate claims for loss and damage that were caused by the spill. It seems that BP still remains full committed to responding to and paying claims promptly. To date, more than 26,000 claims have already been submitted. This has resulted in BP already paying more than $36 million.
"We are absolutely committed to a simple, fair claims process that gets funds to people who have been hurt by this disaster as quickly as possible," said BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward. "We have opened claims offices across the region, and will make every effort to reach everyone who has a legitimate claim. And we will appoint an independent mediator so that we have as fair a process as possible for everyone in the Gulf region."
BP has established their claims precess in accordance with the requirements of the Oil Pollution Act. This allows claimants to make their claims against BP as the designated responsible party.
If a claim is not resolved and paid within 90 days, claimants can submit a claim against the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund and ultimately file suit.
There is, no doubt, a lot of pressure on BP. They not only have to worry about the huge, growing oil spill in the Gulf, but also about all the claims filed against them.
BP is currently working to pay all legitimate claims as quickly as possible. Appointing an Independent Mediator should help the whole operation run more smoothly. BP is working to appoint the best possible person to fill this important role.
There is now also a live video feed of the newest attempt to stop the flowing oil. It is the top kill procedure, explained here.
For more information about claims against BP or, how to file one, Click Here.
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