[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="500" caption="Service Employees"]
Supposedly, the lawyer is employed by Bank of America, who the Union says is one of the banks responsible for much of the sub-prime loans, which have cost havoc on the housing industry, and moreover, contributed to the economic recession. The lawyer, Greg Baer, wasn’t at home but his young son was… and scared out of his young mind to see all these strange men trespassing on his father’s lawn.
What are we coming to when we have no respect for a man’s wife and children? If you have a cause against me, simply deal with me, but leave my family out of it. Unions are not supposed to be acting like gangsters… and some gangsters would not stoop so low and put a man’s family in harms way.
There is a disturbing trend that is taking hold in this country; it seems that some unions here are willing to emulate the tactics of some of their European brothers. In France in particular, employers and their white collar employees, like lawyers, are being kidnapped to facilitate a better bargaining agreement with the union employers.
We haven’t gone so far here yet, but tactics like what was described above are only a hop and a skip away from what is taking place in France or in the more lethal Greece. If I cannot reason with these union members, who surrounded the lawyer’s home, maybe I can ask them if they have wives or children….
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