[caption id="attachment_1045" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="BP Group Chief Executive Tony Hayward discusses the operation with a US Coast Guard, © BP p.l.c."]
So, it looks like there is still enough public interest and pressure that BP will eventually handle the situation. As reported in an earlier post, there are solutions to the oil spill: How to clean up the oil spill.
The LA times reported recently that Kevin Costner may hold key to oil spill cleanup. This article suggests also what we suggested earlier. As Kevin Costner's business partner, Louisiana attorney John Houghtaling says in the LA Times article: "The machines are essentially like big vacuum cleaners, which sit on barges and suck up oily water and spin it around at high speed," Houghtaling said. "On one side, it spits out pure oil, which can be recovered. The other side spits out 99% pure water."
While we did not report on the specifics of the machine, the above idea was posted on Damego a week ago. This solution by the way was conceived by a 14 year old Eagle Scout. That shows that there is still hope, as the Youth of today - the leaders of tomorrow - do still care about the world.
The live video feed can be found here: BP live oil spill video feed.
AS the above source seems to be overcrowded at times, here the same from YouTube:
Kevin Costner idea of oil separator is absolutely brilliant.
ردحذفIt shall be mandated immediately.
As an engineer, I can appreciate all schematics and thoughtfulness of Mr. Costner approach. He is a great patriot of this country, unlike bureaucrats in our government and foreign corporations that were destroying our country for several decades.
Mr. Costner machinery shall be installed in the Gulf immediately.
BP shall pay for collection and separation process. All collected oil shall be owned my Mr. Costner and used as he wishes.