الاثنين، 2 أغسطس 2010

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="If you have been losing sleep, you might want to take the weekend to reboot your brain; photo credit: Emergency Photography."]Day Seventy 6.[/caption]

Feeling guilty about spending the weekend in bed? Don't...it might  be just what you need to prepare for a long work week ahead, and to recover from the one just passed.

Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania have shown that spending extra time in bed over the weekend can help to replenish brain activity for the work week.
"The additional hour or two of sleep in the morning after a period of chronic partial sleep loss has genuine benefits for continued recovery of behavioural alertness," study leader Dr. David Dinges told the Telegraph.

"The bottom line is that adequate recovery is important for coping with the effects of chronic sleep restriction on the brain."

Bad news for those of us who have small children.

The research was based off of a study of 142 adult, who had otherwise healthy sleep habits. They were told to only sleep from 4AM - 8AM for five nights in a row, and then given random "recovery" sleep of 0 - 10 hours. The other group spent those nights sleeping a full 10 hours without interruption.

A survey was given each day every two hours, while they were awake. Those who had their sleep restricted were badly affected by the experience, but one night of sleep was enough to restore full brain function, and eliminate any consequences of the lack of rest.

So if you have had a busy week at the office, or just running around, forgo that night of all-night partying, and instead get a nice night of rest the day before you go back to work. Lying in bed all day could be the best thing you do for yourself.

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