The Guardian is reporting that the State Department was involved in a minor diplomatic faux-pas when it find itself scrubbing its web-site, which warned that Blacks must be careful of police racism, if traveling to Spain. It so happens that Michelle Obama, the first African American First Lady, is vacationing in Spain with her youngest daughter, Sasha.
The State Department realizing that, on account of the first black First Lady traveling to Spain, thought that it would be embarrassing to have the warning about Spain’s police racism on its' site. The First Lady, Michelle Obama, hasn’t spoken on the issue or isn’t aware of the admonition to blacks, who are contemplating vacationing in Spain.
There are reports, that African Americans who traveled to Spain have complained to the State Department of being treated with racism by the Spanish police.
One specific incident of note, where there was alleged racism on the part of the Spanish authorities, involved two African American, who were stopped for no apparent reason, but for the color of their skin – one of the men was apparently beaten and arrested. This account for the warning placed on the State Department web-site, which was scrubbed yesterday.
The first Lady and Sasha are said to be vacationing in the Spanish country side and living in a luxurious villa in Padierna. The First lady said she is in Spain to relax, but that President Obama, who turned 49 today, and Malia, her elder daughter, who is away in Summer camp, will not be joining the First Lady on her brief Spanish holiday.
It is also reported that Spain’s royal family, including King Juan Carlos, is vacationing in Majorca, and that they will host the First Lady sometime during Michelle Obama’s vacation.
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