It is not that I hate celebrities; it is the nonsense that most of them spew from their mouths, and even worse, the diva-like behavior many of them adopt when they become stars.
There is probably no bigger star out there now than Lady Gaga, and she too comes with the attendant fake pretensions and conspicuous false modesty.
As I write, US Magazine is reporting that Lady Gaga admits that she still uses drugs - whoopee! We are either supposed to be happy that at least she is honest, or laud the fact that she doesn’t want her fans to emulate her drug behavior.
I wonder how Gaga’s young fans are going to process that news about their demigod confession of drug use. I suppose that there are those who are going to rationalize Miss Gaga’s statement by saying that they are sophisticated enough to cope with her ongoing drug use.
I know I risk taking on the mighty Lady Gaga and millions of her minions, but surely she could have found away to ignore the question or keep certain proclivities to her self. I am certain that there were questions that Gaga told the reporter that were off limits, as is the wont for these celebrities, but yet she volunteered the 411 about her drug use.
Perhaps, this admission was a cry for help on the part of Miss Gaga, and she is genuinely not recommending that her fans follow her choices. That is all good for me to speculate and look at Gaga’s statement from the most benign of light, but the nature of young fans is that they do what the stars do - it is why they dress so ridiculously in an attempt to copy their icon.
It is true that Gaga has a right to be honest, because her fans parents’ should be in the forefront in instilling morals … whereby no stars, no matter how big, should be able to entice fans to emulate negative, anti social behavior by icons, like Lady Gaga. I mean, I am an avid fan of the musician, Prince – you don’t see me wearing female boots or dressing androgynous.
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