This is heartening. I am glad to see that the government has not given up on the oil spill or on the people of the Gulf Coast.
There is a lot being done to clean up the oil spill and also to study the future consequences thereof. I think that it is crucial that the oil is contained and that it is contained fast as possible before it can wreak havoc on any more Gulf beaches.
The President has also signed orders to get an investigation going to see what exactly went wrong and caused the oil spill. This is necessary to knowing how we can prevent similar disasters from happening in the future.
A lot is being done to fix this oil spill and I think that the best thing that you can do is to support what is being done, or, if you don't agree with what is being done you can suggest a better solution. Now is not, however, the time for criticism. I think that people need to work together to get this disaster handled.
The President finishes, "As a result of this disaster, lives have been lost. Businesses have been decimated. Communities that had already known great hardship now face the specter of sudden and painful economic dislocations. Untold damage is being done to the environment -- damage that could last for decades. We owe all those who’ve been harmed, as well as future generations, a full and vigorous accounting of the events that led to what has now become the worst oil spill in U.S. history. Only then can we be assured that deepwater drilling can take place safely. Only then can we accept further development of these resources as we transition to a clean energy economy. Only then can we be confident that we’ve done what’s necessary to prevent history from repeating itself."
I think that The president is great, and really wants to stop this oil spill. i dont blame him. i think that BP could be doing more than they are letting on, and they are just trying to save themselves money, so they are letting more and more oil into the gulf of mexico.
ردحذفthey are not trying as hard as they could be. it is really sad, that so many animals have lost their lives, homes, and i think that they should be trying harder to get the enviroment back to normal, so that animals can return to their old lives.