BP CEO Tony Hayward Gets "Life Back" Taking the Day Off to Attend a Yacht Race
On Saturday, energy giant BP's CEO, Tony Hayward took some time off to attend a glitzy yacht race around England's Isle of Wight.
This is indeed, a huge mistake for him to make. Social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook lit up with outrage. BP spokespeople rushed to defend the CEO. Tony Hayward has already drawn plenty public criticism especially from his notorious statement that he would like his "life back." This move on Saturday is definitely not going to help his situation.
The BP spokespeople tried to justify his actions on Saturday by saying that he has worked day in and day out for over a month and he is just taking a few hours to rest. Well, I'm sorry, but I don't think that the people in the Gulf can afford to rest or to have the people in charge of the clean up rest.
The annual one-day race is one of the world's largest yacht races. It attracts more than 1,700 boats and 16,000 sailors. In this race, world-renown yachtsmen compete with wealthy amateurs in a 50-nautical mile course around the island.
So, yes, BP CEO, Tony Hayward took a day off from resolving and cleaning up a disaster to play with ships. That doesn't seem to have a very good justification. That's like taking a dinner break while a ship sinks beneath your feet.
Robert Wine, a BP spokesman at the company's Houston headquarters, said it was the first break that Hayward has had since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded April 20, killing 11 workers and setting off the undersea oil gusher.
"He's spending a few hours with his family at a weekend. I'm sure that everyone would understand that," Wine said Saturday. "He will be back to deal with the response. It doesn't detract from that at all."
Wine described the race as "one of the biggest sailing events in the world and he's well known to have a keen interest in it."
This is all good and fine, but I'm pretty sure that the equivalent of an Exxon Valdez is spilling into the Gulf of Mexico every four days. I don't think that there is any time to sit around and watch a yacht race.
An on the record suggestion:
Find a replacement CEO who is willing and able to handle this disaster. A true captain who will not rest until the oil spill is stopped and the Gulf of Mexico and the coast is cleaned up.
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Anyone who works non-stop on a problem will become less effective as they tire. How one rests is their business; frankly it should be the most relaxing as the brain processes while we sleep deep non-dedicated rejuvenating the mind and body. I am angered at the damage to the Earth and the failure of people pressed to meet corporate goals at the cost of safety. Break the hydrocarbon chains. If not now,when?