The first time I was conscious of these anarchists creating problems was in graduate school. A class member of mine was worried, as both of her sons were ‘demonstrating’ at the G-8 meetings being held in Seattle, Washington.
I asked myself - then, and now - what was with the black masks and the wanton violence? In my hometown in the Caribbean, my grandmother had a saying: “Monkey knows what limb to jump on.”
I hope that the next G-20 meeting is held in Moscow - I wonder if these idiots would show up in their sack-cloth colored masks, destroying property like they did in Canada? The Canadians were left with property damages in the ten of millions.
These idiots should be arrested - no one can justify to me why the burning of property, the attendant damage, and the placement of peoples lives in jeopardy are warranted.
Our media is culpable, too, because instead of calling them out as the dangerous criminals they are, it coddles them and saves all its' biased vitriol for the relatively peaceful (if controversial) Tea Party.
We are told that these masked protesters are mad with the disparity of economic riches that most of the members of the G20 have, as opposed to that of the developing countries.
So, this anti social violent behavior justifies the bedlam and mayhem we have witnessed in Canada and the past countries, which have hosted these meetings? Again, it is that social engineering crap which posits that nothing is anyone’s fault.
Let us take this to the logical end:
Because I am black, and I am intimately aware of what happened to my kind during the dreaded triangle crossing to the Americas during the era of slavery, should I then go out and kill my white brothers and sisters? Should the white person, who has had violence done to him by a minority, then go out and wreak havoc on innocent members of the perpetrator’s ethnic group?
This is the bogus, specious reasons given by these masked protesters for their actions. Tell me how burning and destroying infrastructures speak to the disparity of economic prosperity suffered by the developing countries?
When I first moved to New York, I saw on the Television someone from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) throwing blood on the comedienne Joan Rivers. The explanation that PETA gave was that Joan Rivers deserved this, because she was wearing fur.
I wished that my wife and I happened to be there…I would have had a few things to say to that idiot, but as I have said: Monkey knows which limb to jump on.
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